Title: That's what friends are for (former Untitled Project)
Author: lausbub0402
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 24.820 (more or less)
Characters: Jensen, Jared, Misha, Jim, Clif, others - RPF gen
Warnings: 1. fanfic ever, no native English speaker, unbetaed - all mistakes and bad grammar are mine
Disclaimer: none of this ever happened and will hopefully never happen, I have no rights, I'm just borrowing the names and characters, no infringement intended
Summary: - feeling not 100%, when you're supposed to be doing a convention, is not much fun, but Jensen wouldn't be Jensen, if he would let a stupid stomach bug keep him from spending time with their fans! Only to learn the hard way that sometimes it might be better to listen to your friends ...
A/N: - I've been writing this story here in my journal without any intentions to post it somewhere else, but ... I mentioned it in a comment to this prompt "Jared and Jensen are doing a convention (include other SPN actors/actresses if you would like). Jensen becomes ill the morning of the convention, but is determined to stick it out for the sake of the fans. He needs a little TLC during and after the panels, photo ops, autographs, etc." over at the spn_hurt/comfort meme and the link showed up at their summary page afterwards.
And now my dear friend
agt_spooky put it up as a rec on her LJ page (thanks hon!) ...
So that's the reason I decided to make the whole thing look a little more "professional" (although I'm a total newbie with all this stuff) because you never know who might show up at your LJ ... ;o)
part 1 part 9 part 2 part 10 part 3 part 11 part 4 final part 12 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 .