Apr 17, 2005 22:22
ok.. quick update cuz i gotta log off line... sorry i havent updated in a long ass time.. ok tuesday nite i got the shivers so i didnt go to school wednesday because of a 102 temperature... then thursday i went to school and 1/2 way thorugh 1st period i was losing my voice and i had a bad migrane.. went to the nurse took a tyelnol and layed down.. woke up with no voice and went home.. went to the doctors that same day and they said i had croup and they took a strept coulture... the dr said to not go to school friday until they called with the results but i went neways because i have had strept before and it didnt feel like i had it but i got picked up early with the reults being positive.... uh oh.. ive been taking antibiotics for the past days and i missed out on a picnic that was for a wedding im gunna be in... friday afternoon after going throughout my closet and taking out everything that was small i went to my moms and then we hung out.. yesterday i went to a spa!!! yippeeee.. it was the best thing ever.. i got my nails done.. toes..((theyre pink!!)) massage, facial, and my hair done... it was amazing.... then we went to the beach. today got up late.. went fishing at my aunts house and then came home wanted to make money so i washed the car and got paid 30 bucks!!! go a tan while doing it too... im a brown girl...lol... im gunna see if this quiz thing will paste on my live journal... it probably wont with my luck but talk to you all tomorrow.... <3 Lauren