Impromptu Gift Fic for queenb23

Sep 03, 2009 01:56

Title:  Seven Going on Seventeen
Word Count:  587
Rating: G
Pairing:  Really gen, but Rebecca Rose insists that it's Rose/OMC
Summary:  They really do grow up way too fast....
Author's Note:  Well, at the moment, I'm stuck on my rarepairs series and I'm having trouble finding a canon-fest idea I like....But apparently, without batting an eyelash, I can churn out this drabble that thinly disguises the antics of a seven year old we've all heard much about of late.  I hope you enjoy it seemed to just demand to be written, and I hope you might get a giggle out of it.  :)  And I was very punchy when forgive me any spelling/grammar mistakes please!!

“I still think you should have fried sausages and jacket potatoes.”  Lucy’s voice piped up eagerly, carrying easily through the Burrow’s kitchen window into the backyard.

“Well, I told you, we can’t…he’s allergic to sausages, and anyway I want Mum an’Daddy to make us shepherd’s pie, and string beans, and-” Rose began in a slightly bossy tone, only to be cut off by a third voice.

“And I told you…you’re wasting your time!!  You’re only seven.  Your Mum’s never gonna let you-”

“She will so, Molly!!  He’s my boyfriend.  And boyfriends are important.”  Rose’s tone was now self-assured, as if she were certain she’d found an unbeatable argument.

Shaking her head in amusement, Hermione thought it was time to intervene.  She pushed open the Burrow’s back door and caught the elder Molly’s knowing eye.  Her mother-in-law looked like she too was biting back laughter as she dried a few dishes at the sink.

Lucy, Rose, and the Weasley matriarch’s namesake were sitting around the long kitchen table.  The two younger girls were engaged in a game of Exploding Snap while they talked, and ten year old Molly was chiming in while leafing through a copy of Witch Weekly - Teen Edition.  The girls were so caught up in their discussion, they hadn’t noticed Hermione’s entrance.

“How important could they be when you’re seven?!”

Before things could escalate further, Hermione spoke up.  “Hullo, Rosie!  Are you ready to head home?”

“Mum!”  Rose’s face brightened upon seeing Hermione, and she scrambled to grab her schoolbag and jacket.  Rose hugged her grandmother goodbye and after Hermione had collected Hugo from the living room where he and Al were busily coloring on bright construction paper, she thanked Molly for looking after them for the afternoon and Flooed them both home.  Hugo skittered away to hang up his drawing on the refrigerator as soon as they tumbled out of their fireplace, and Rose bounded up the stairs to her room, humming an off-key tune under her breath.

Hermione headed for the kitchen to get dinner started.  She pulled out the ingredients for beef casserole and began preparing it.  She was almost ready to pop it in the oven when she heard a small voice behind her.


Knowing what was likely to be on her daughter’s mind, she turned and smiled at her gently.  “Yes, Rosie?”

“I wanted to know if…if you n’Daddy would make shepherd’s pie on Saturday night for my date with Parker.”

Even though she’d guessed this might be coming, Hermione still boggled a bit internally that Rose was already at the stage where boys were even on her radar.  Parker Hughes was a very nice boy from her Muggle primary school, and was one of Rose’s friends.  She’d gone to his birthday party last June and they’d been inseparable ever since.  But…

“…er, date?  Rosie, what brought this on?”

Her face lit up with glee.  “Well he’s my boyfriend Mum!  We’re getting married when we grow up of course.”

“Oh…you are?”

“Well, yes,” Rose said as if Hermione should have simply known that tidbit of information.  “We are madly in love after all, and he’s already said he’d buy me a ring.”


Rose was now bouncing with excitement.  “We'll be just like you an’Daddy!!”

And with that, she turned and skipped out of the kitchen before Hermione could say a word.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief, mentally making a note that she’d have to break the news to Ron that apparently their daughter was seven…going on seventeen.


rose weasley, hp, friends, fanfic, gen

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