Well no, not really.
I'm still here, if far more behind than I thought I would be.
Vacation was *great* and this last month of being back at work has actually not been so bad...just busy with a capital "B."
And, oh yeah, that fic I was writing for Luna month (back in June) over on
helmet_fest2008 ? The one that's almost a full month overdue? Well part of its lateness is because of the craziness of real life right now, but part of it is due to the fact that it is almost 5,000 flippin' words long!!
And judging by how much I think I have left to write, I'm betting this sucker'll top out at around 6,500 words easy.
Great googaly-moogaly!!
The longest single fic I've ever written prior to this is a 7,500 word piece I did for an R/Hr challenge over on Checkmated...but I swear I didn't intend for this one to be that long...I just...can't...stop...writing.
Ideas keep coming and the fic just keeps twisting and turning and meandering...I suppose I shouldn't complain, because having the inspiration really *is* nice...but I'm afraid that in places the through-line is getting obscured because of all the little character "moments" and tangents....ah well, better to get it all written out and then go back and "sculpt."
After that I have another challenge fic in the pipeline (for Checkmated this time) due in mid-September, and ah yes, the remaining 10 prompts in my George/Luna
rarepair_shorts claim!! (#4 - Hogsmeade weekend *is* coming, I swear!!)
It's a lotta fic....let's hope the muse holds!! I better get back to writing!!
Best wishes to all!!