Sigh. I've succumbed to this one too.
One True Pairing Ship: Ron/Hermione, first, last, and always.
Second Favorite Ship: Hm. Speaking purely canonically (and really, I'm almost purely a canon girl) I actually think Remus/Tonks...not that I seek out much fic about them, ironically, but as a dramatic idea and for how their story was woven into canon, I think I would go with them. They were so unexpected, and had so much to overcome. I like the poignancy and surface mis-match they presented.
Third Favorite Ship: Ummm...harder to say. It was really hard to come up with Remus/Tonks for #2 actually. Everything falls off so sharply after Ron/Hermione that second and third are distant by comparison...but I think I'd say Molly/Arthur because I really love the whole Weasley family and they are, of course, the integral part of it!!
Canon Ship: Ron/Hermione.
Fandom Ship: George/Luna without a doubt. I read some very very good Ozma and LadyTory fanfics early on that got me hooked on this pairing, and was crushed that the possibility of it was ruled out in canon. It's the one case where my canon-love takes a sharp left turn and plummets out a window. (p.s. Thanks to
queenb23more for adding this category!!)
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Usually, I reserve this feeling for fanon pairings I don't care for, particularly Snape/Hermione and Dramione, and (bleurgh) Harry/Hermi-- nope, can't even finish that last one. Eyeballs gone.
Guilty Pleasure Ship: Okay, this one's going to come out of left field, but here goes....Percy/Tonks. Yep. That's what I said. Yes, it requires an even larger willing suspension of disbelief than fanfic in general does, but there's something about the combination of uptight!Percy and freespirit!Tonks that I find really appealing from time to time. (Runner up ship: Charlie/Padma...only read one fic featuring this pairing but it was...FTW).
"I dabble a little" Ship: Draco/Asteria and Seamus/Pansy. I've written a few ficlets and drabbles for both, and have really come to enjoy reading some of the better done Draco/Asteria that's out there.
It's like a car crash" Ship: George/Angelina. I just can't wrap my brain around that one, JKR. *tries again* Nope. Not happenin'.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: I really can't think of one that quite fits this bill...
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship: Um, I believe I've already covered this with the Percy/Tonks craziness above. :D
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: hard to say. I don't have anything against them, but James/Lily don't especially do much for me.
"When all is said and done" Ship: Cue the broken record....Ron and Hermione, of course!!