NEW LAYOUT ...and illness

Jul 31, 2007 17:20


so sorry for taking me son long to let you now this but...


yeah, i took it from premade_ljs, and i only modified the header a little bit and you got it =___=;but that was like 4 days ago!!,
why didn't i tell you?? well, the two first days i was a little busy ,then the last two days ,i was also busy being sick laying on a bed! =____=
it felt awful!! couldn't sleep at night but i slept during the day, gosh i almost screamed:"someone plz kill me"...,i donot wish this to anyone TT-TT non even my worts enemy or something (if i had one xDD);
So that's why i did pass by LJ and to your LJs, so sorry my friends! i'll try to catch up,..not right now cuz i still feel ditzy @_@ and got to do some College stuff.

Anyway, talk to you guys later..@_@

my past layout...

PS.What do you think of my new layout???
PS2.sorry about typos, i don't feel good

Love ya!
comment me plz

about me, header, college, layout {update }, issues

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