Aug 26, 2004 01:24 not tired and its too late.
today was quite a bore, until night came..the freaks always come out at night..haha wtf
so tonight on the way to east bruns i was lisening to the radio and some conest s going on o be an intern at some philly i call and shit and actually get thru somehow and am going monday and tuesday night to do some intern guest dj shit. im pretty fucking excited..its crazy. its some compeition and whoever wins gets a guarenteed internship there throughout college. so thats exciting isnt it.....heheeeeeeegigglespick.
so david and i are going away for a couple days before school starts up, im pshyced about it were gonna go to pennsylvania over by the pocconos or somthing. i cant believe school starts soon man..this shits more fucking up and skipping
i think im going to great adventure saturday, thats exciting..haha
rrarrarra im tired now..
bye cunts