Mar 16, 2005 16:07
Hola, nothing really to update on, but I'm bored! This week has been alright, kinda long, but not so bad. I've had a couple tests, some quizzes, the usual. I'm really pretty bored right now. Usually I have something to do for homework, but all my homework for tomorrow is finished, and all I have to do for Friday is read chapter 6 of Lord of the Flies. It's an awesome book! It's got a lot of symbolism and if you read it with that in mind, instead of just reading the words, it's really interesting.
I have all-state choir try-outs saturday! I'm kinda nervous, but excited. I never try out for anything, so it's a change, lol. Even if I don't make it, I'll be glad I tried out.
I'm excited because American Idol results show is on tonight and Simple Life, lol my two favorite shows. I wanted to go to bed at like 9, but that's when AI starts and then SL is right after, soooo i'm not gonna get to bed as early as i would have liked.
I'm such a boring person, nothing to talk about. Homeroom was fun today, but I can't explain it because it sounds boring. The only way things are fun is if you experience them, not just hear about em.
I think I'm gonna pull out my book of poems and lyrics and stuff that I used to write in when I needed to vent. Maybe I'll find something interesting!