Mar 18, 2010 22:51
I need life to slow down so I can stop running to keep up.
On top of being in the same corner I paint myself into every single time grades are due, I'm worried about apartment stuff, wedding stuff (not mine, please), summer stuff, money stuff, and novel stuff (my own, just unwritten).
And people don't help. Between achingly missing certain people, hating others, and resenting more, I'm kind of feeling done with most people.
A woman I work with, whose voice alone makes me bristle, was complaining about having to do her own laundry and change her sheets. She made it sound like someone made her do the most degrading task you could think of. And her tone is always so snotty. I can't be in the same room with her. There are plenty of crazy people at work, but they are fairly cordial to me because I'm polite. This woman isn't even friendly. She simply doesn't have time for people who are below her, which rules out pretty much everyone. It's obnoxious.
:::end complaining about a woman who complains::: <~~ I am able to see the irony.
So it's nearly 11pm and I have piles and piles of ungraded papers, but grades are due at 9am all the same. Some day I'll stop hating myself so much that I punish myself in a way that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I guess I'm a work in progress... slow, drippingly slow progress.
"When you love someone, you're always insecure." ~ Billy Joel "Tell Her About It" Easier said than done, but true. Reading Wuthering Heights again reminded me of the vulnerability of loving someone. But about a year ago I discovered just how much I was loved and how much I loved someone. Now if I could just tell him. And actually believe when he says it. With or without helping verbs. Definitely with a hug though. And a massage ha!
Was there no transition there? Blame firing synapses.
I want to hear your voice, you know it's been so long.
It would feel so good to see your face again.
We both understand we got no way back;
Our love was strange in a strange land.
I feel like waking up in your house someday
Or eating off your hand like a bird or stray.