Jan 17, 2003 08:22
I had a really vivid dream last night. I was in this enormous building with an old friend- it must've been like 100 stories or something and it was some sort of an office building. We kept wandering around it, scattering papers, throwing pens around, wrecking the whole place. It was pretty much deserted but every once in a while we'd see someone and sort of sneak away. Like I said, it was an office building and we weren't really allowed in there. But we weren't really too afraid of all the people.
Suddenly, at one point, we snuck into this room and then heard footsteps. My friend hid behind a chair and I hid under this bed-type-thing. I was totally visible, but the man just lay down on the bed and fell asleep, so we snuck out of the room.
All of a sudden, I got really scared. There was this enormous window- nearly 5 feet in diameter with a display of 2 dummies in it. One was an old lady and one was a young woman. The younger person was helping the old lady up or something and I just got really scared, because at that moment I realised we were in some sort of warped museum and all the people that were in there before were robots or dunmmies or something. Me and my friend got REALLY scared, because we couldn't find the way out.
"What should we do?" he asked.
I shrugged.
So then all of a sudden, my best friend's dad appeared. I was so glad to see him. I asked him where the heck was the way out and he said we were on the 4th floor of the building and the way out was on the second floor. So we jumped out a door on the second story and I woke up. the end.