May 21, 2004 21:48
Yesterday was my bday:) I didnt think anything was going on at all but when i walked out on my porch ross kyle rachel blair callie kelly sara and holly were just chillin there..a lot of people couldnt come because it was a thursday but it was still fun. This week went by extremely slow tho but im sooo glad its friday. Today i came home and went to hollys and hung out with callie holly sara ross and brock. We went out on the jetskiis:)
*Tomorrow all my family from new york is coming for my sister's graduation party. And right now there is just a huge dead pig just chillin in my garage and we're gonna put it on the grill tomorrow. But anywayssss..some of my friends are coming over tomorrow so we can hang out with my drunk family so it should be fun:)..gooooodnight<333
*(Yea my mood says horny..hah couldnt resist myself i had to do it atleast once)<3