Jul 05, 2004 19:18
I'm so extremely bored..
fill this out..
01: what is your most vivid memory of me:
02: how long have we been friends:
03: tell about one memory we share together:
04: describe me in four adjectives:
05: if we could spend a day together what would we do:
06: name one thing you really don't like about me:
07: name one thing you really do like about me:
08: if you could give me a gift what would it be:
09: have we ever gotten in a fight & about what:
10: have we ever hugged:
11: have we ever danced with each other:
12: have you ever seen me cry:
13: have i ever offended you:
14: what is something embarrassing that i've done:
15: what do i usually look like when you see me:
16: what do i say all the time\whats my catch phrase:
17: do you think we will be friends in 5 years:
18: has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn't:
19: do you think i am a stoner/alcoholic?:
20: what advice would you give me, in general:
21: is there a song that reminds you of me:
22: have we ever had a sleepover?:
23: what do you think of my looks?:
24: what reminds you of me?:
25: when was the last time you saw me?:
hmm even more bored...
last movie seen: i'm watching the tuxedo right now
last book read: speak
last cuss word uttered: dont remember
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: pork
last crush: rosss
last phone call: probly ross
last shoes worn: blue flip flops
last item bought: a shirt
last downloaded: i dont remember..the computer is messed up
last soda drank: diet coke
last thing written: my name i think
last key used: k..gay question
last word spoken: yeah
last sleep: last night
last im: brittany spencyy :)
last ice cream eaten: cookie dough
last time amused: hmm...dont remember
last time wanting to die: haha uhh
last time scolded: i dont remember
last chair sat in: the chair im in now
last lipstick used: lip gloss
last bra worn: a white one?
last shirt worn: turqouise tank top
I HURT: dunno?
I HATE: umm
I FEAR: spiders
I HOPE: i dont get into any MORE trouble this summer
I FEEL: bored
I HIDE: no idea
I DRIVE: a car..haha sometimes
I MISS: whitney and brittany s..havent seen them in a while
I NEED: more things to do
I THINK: im bored hah
current clothes: white skirt, turquois tank top
current music: nothin
current taste: nothing
current hair: down and curly of course
current thing i should be doing: SOMETHING
current desktop picture: some tropical island
..hmm DO I GET BORED..