I was going to make a post about the OTW stuff, but I got all my ranting done by text today, and I'd just be adding to the noise at this point, anyway. So instead, I'll just say thank you. I love that there are people trying to do something awesome and huge and groundbreaking, and I love that there's a magical place of nothing but fic that isn't going to go away, and, for purely selfish reasons, I love how much easier it's made modding remix. Thank you to everyone who's worked, and is still working, to make that possible, and especially to Naomi for daring to make it happen in the first place. There's a lot of really unpleasant stuff going on in fandom at the moment, but the work and time put in for free to build this crazy thing, even if it's not perfect yet and never will be, is a lovely reminder of what makes fandom special and worth sticking around for, and I appreciate that, too.
And while we're talking about thank yous and the good side of fandom--thank you to
girlmostlikely and
marciaelena for the v-gifts. They were a very welcome surprise. ♥ ♥
I have just realised I've had a post saved for weeks now, and for some reason not posted it. It starts out like this:
OMG, Community is the best show in the whole world. I have just watched the season 1 Christmas ep. How is it so sweet and heart-warming and yet not, like, a thing I hate just on principle?
Two things I particularly love: 1. Troy/Abed. Surely there is fic wherein they hook up and are in love! And the friendship between Annie, Shirley and Britta. I love that they support each other in their quirky, crazy way, and it's not all about guys.
I was going to make it 3 things I love and add in Jeff, but then I realised I'd have to add in Britta separately too, and Jeff/Britta who I apparently ship pretty hard, and then I started just making a list, and the list was everything. I love everything!
Then there was some other stuff about walking into a door and not getting my awesome halloween cloak. My life is too exciting for you all to handle, I know.
Instead of telling you about that, in the detail I know you secretly grave, I will go read this Stephen King book, which I cannot get into at all. But I am going to persevere! I do not like it when SK disappoints.