The Myrrh Legacy - Generation 2.3

Dec 22, 2007 22:13

Fourth instalment of my legacy for the legacy_writers founder challenge, founder was as you know by now, made by, dothesmustle

We open with Breck Myrrh, failing at Muffins, awww Sad Panda Face!

He does however win at skilling, see all those body points? Yeah he got *ALL* of those in under 10 sim minutes on that thing...He's a freaking demon skiller!

OMLETTEPOP! Last baby of gen 2 is on the way and I wants me an elf eared lil girlie!

Uhm, Tiffany? Aren;t you supposed to hate the mailman sweetie? I don't think its in Tiffany to hate a human

Smart, get yourself skunked...

The kids got into private school with very little effort on my part.

Time for Breck to enter the age of responsibility.

Awww still Cute!

Breck Myrrh
ASP: Knowledge
LTW: Become Chief of Staff
Sloppy/Neat: 8
Shy/Outgoing: 1
Lazy/Active: 10
Serious/Playful: 10
Grouchy/Nice: 3
Turn-Ons: I forgot to write them down XD
Turn-Offs: Ditto

Not sure I like this hair...but it will do for the moment...

He gets his flirt on with Yvette Lillard, she has a long history of trying to get into my legacies XD, first she appeared in my failed legacy that would have starred Dash Mufad, then she showed up in the Imris and now she's with the Myrrh's, I'm still not sure if I should make her go Myrrh, or Imri.

The private school uniforms always make me giggle, they look so uncomfortable, my uniforms weren't like that...then again we never wore ours properly XD.

This fully made me shout MACGYVERISM! why yes, I am a Macgyver fangirl XD

Jan Tellerman is out latest target for wooing.

So of course he *HAS* to have pictures with her, but this is as far as I could take it no matter how high I got their relationship they couldn't woohoo the option just wouldn't appear.

So we took him somewhere else and he ended up making out on a couch with Caryl Day lol, Aeon watched the whole thing.

Then he got his car woohoo on with my selfsim's wifey.

Followed by some flirting with eager Blonde Gwen.

I'm really beginning to think these photos are some sort of sick foreplay for him XD, or maybe its his version of porn.

Daniel Pleasant is disgusted by them XD.

DJ who's name I can't remember: Oh I'm fully willing to have extramarital woohoo with you.
Ail: For Real? wOOt Easy!

DJ who's name I can't remember:But first we should discuss my fee.
Ail: *face drops* Fee? *sad panda*

DJ who's name I can't remember: Okay time to punch my v-clock.

I guess she reconsidered XD.

Breck decides to buy himself a girlie.

He gets Meoldy Tinker, who I think, given her ugly-assed parents is quite a beauty XD.

Awwww no Tiffany got old!!!

Made-Over Meoldy, I should have given her better hair XD.

Great method of wooing you have there Breck...

...Apparently it was because this happened not long after.

Driveway Labour! XD I had forced her to go to work because she had been annoying me.

YAY my girlie! same hair and eyes as everyone else in the family, she got Daddy's skintone just like Breck. Her name is Briallen.

This cute little blonde pirate lassie is Donagh's very best friend in the whole world Vicki Kim.

Apparently Whitney has joined a cooking club who holds their meetings in the hottub, maybe they're trying to imitate lobsters?

Breck had the most creativity so I make him paint Ail's legacy portrait.

Ciaran takes up the family tradition of working out.

Donagh: Hugs Time pls?
Vicki: Uhm, I don't think so even though you are my BFF though! *rejects*

At this point it had been raining for THREE DAYS without stopping and it was making my game go really slow, so I made Breck do something about it XD.

Donagh: You'll never get my aztec gold you dirty pirate
Vicki: Then you shall die by the hand of my dag! a dag is a pistol XD

I decided in this case they were playing Pirates of the Caribbean.

Ciaran has inherited his mother's obsession with stalking Morty Goth through the telescope...I hope its the telescope that's the addiction, not the beating Morty lays out for catching them XD.

Donagh is definitely a daddy's boy XD.

No one cares about Briallen's birthday, I think Ail may actually be on the phone here.

Phooey, no ears XP, still cute though.

Awww even cuter after a makeover hehe.

This goes under the heading, no one can resist the cute that is Tiffany, Ciaran is taking her for a walk.

DJ Who's name I can't remember left us a gnome, which is just too awesome to sell lol.

I gave Tiffany a puppy using the puppy and kitten creator, the father is Danny Crittur.

Breck continues to shall the S.S. Porcelain t'wards brighter waters...

He even takes care of Briallen well.

Breck developed an obsession for Teddy right off the bat XD.

This is one of those few times where you *WANT* the children to go to the nannysim...

This family is definitely a bunch of doglovers.

Well that's what you get for trying to sleep with the nanny, you are not Jude Law.

Since he wouldn't stop trying to woo the nanny, the agency sent backup XD

Way to go Ail, way to go, I'm surprised you got this far without getting caught.

You're probably asking yourself if this is Ail and Whitney right?

Well it wasn't, it was Tiffany and the white wolf, and Tiffany kicked that wolf's ass yo.

You're compensating for the lack of muffin making skills aren't you?

Donagh enters teenagehood under the lone but watchful eye of his twin...

Ciaran on the other hand gets loads of guests...its easy to see who the favourite twin is here.

Looking pretty good there Donagh me boy-o.

Breck already pulled that birthday face Ciaran, sorry.

I decided I didn't like Breck's hair anymore, so now he gets to be a troll doll.

*swoons at his prettyness* I love a man in eyeliner, I don't know why but I do XD.

Donagh Myrrh
ASP: Family
LTW: Marry off 6 Children
Sloppy/Neat: 9
Shy/Outgoing: 10
Lazy/Active: 2
Serious/Playful: 4
Grouchy/Nice: 10
Turn-Ons: I forgot to write them down again
Turn-Offs: Ditto

Ciaran you look damn good to, I especially like this hair on you. That's all for now folks XD.

Ciaran Myrrh
ASP: Knowledge
LTW: Become Space Pirate
Sloppy/Neat: 8
Shy/Outgoing: 10
Lazy/Active: 1
Serious/Playful: 9
Grouchy/Nice: 1
Turn-Ons: Athletes who can clean.
Turn-Offs: Mechanics.

Coming Up on the Myrrh Legacy - Briallen's childyhood, The Boy's begin to have love lives and Ail will complete his LTW.

fc1, myrrh legacy

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