Mar 19, 2006 19:03
It has been a long time, and i know it has. I apologize. Greatly. me and chad broke off are engagement, and he moved back home, and i just didn't have the heart to get on here and write about it as i was completely broken hearted. We are talking, and have been the whole time, but now he wants to get back together, and i don't know if i want too. HE hurt me more then i have ever been hurt before. He broke up with me saying that it wasn't going to work, but in reality, he was scared and chicken out.
I will never be able to forgive him for what he did to me. He knows it, and i know it. I wish this never happened, but that is not reality...reality is that he did break up with me, he did leave me, and he ruined everything we have had. And now he just wants to start all over, and be engaged again and think it never happened. Yeah that ISN'T going to happen. He gets mad everytime we talk i bring up what he did to me, but seriously, Can he Blame ME?
Anyways. Enough about that shit.
I am now working at a day care here in bloomington. It has to be the best job ever. I love it. I am a teacher in three year old room. It's called Early Preschool. I usually work in the Preschool room as well, or wherever they need me. Things are boring here in bloomington, i don't do much, and don't have any friends here. I go home alot, and whenever i do, i hang out with chad, and regret it.
I am going to move back home in May, after my semester of school. I don't miss my old town, just my family and friends. You think that where you live is so bad, but it's the people that surround you that makes a place worthwhile.
I should update more, now that i am out of my slump. Love ya all,
Hooray I am back!!