May 14, 2008 00:44
Check out my layout. It rocks my life, I love this layout. I love the Notebook.
"My faace is leeeaaakingggg!"
Chris and I have decided to work downtown together this summer, him with modelling if it pulls through, me with acting if that pulls through. It'll be good for us. And mucho money, you know the drill.
My mother asks me, "Have you started counting down the days until the end of school yet?" and I replied, "Of course not. That only serves to remind me that I have an ever diminishing number of days to finish my data summative, and my french summative, and my art projects that were due last month...
Not to mention my friends are all taking off. What the hell.
Am still attempting to convince les parents que je suis capable of stealing the car for prom weekend. I honestly think I should have a car for that weekend. Reeeally. Or they should just buy me one for the weekend. Or forever. You know, for graduating.
Actually, scratch that, we don't know if Laura is graduating yet. lol.