Welcome to My Journal

Sep 15, 2015 00:50

2007 LMFA New Slash Author Nominee

2008 LMFA New Gen and Slash Author Nominee, Four Slash Story Categories Nominee


Welcome to my journal. I'm listed as an author under Laurie and laurie_ky. Stories written In the last six months will be marked as NEW. I began writing in 2007, and I find it a very satisfying endeavor.
I was nominated in 2007 for new slash author at Light My Fires Awards and in 2008 for new gen and new slash author. Several of my stories have been nominated for 2008 LMFAs, which thrills me to pieces, and I thank everybody who recommended my stories.

I want to thank the wonderful people who have beta’ed my stories. t_verano who has put in an enormous amount of time and energy and whose thoughtful comments not only help me with the nuts and bolts of grammar, but tutor me in the ways of crafting a story. janedavitt for her assistance and for being so willing to help me with posting as well.

To the readers: Thank you so much for reading my stories. I've found that feedback is very interesting to me, as I learn new things about my own stories that way, but I don't regard it as payment for reading a story. And if you would rather read quietly, that is fine. I did it for mucho years before giving my first comment to an author.

Warnings Policy I think the most fair thing for me to do is to list these warnings/spoilers under a LJ cut on my journal. It seems the best way to balance between those who want or need warnings and those who would like to be surprised where the story goes. On archives or other communities, I will post warnings as per their policies. Multichapter stories will be warned both on the Master Story List and for each chapter. My warnings -- click to see them I'm willing to add to the list if I'm told something was left out that needs a warning.

Click on the links to see the stories

Long Stories

Stories in the Fair Distance Universe. This is a story arc that is ongoing and has several standalone stories as well as the main story in three parts. This story is also posted at 852 Prospect here, if you prefer one text file(but it only has the first arc A Fair Distance: Running on Empty, and not Ball and Chain or at Artifact Storage Room 3 here, to read chapter by chapter, including other stories in the series.

Lodestar a standalone story set years before the events of A Fair Distance Gen/preslash 2007
What Jim gave Blair wasn't a Christmas present, but it was given on Christmas Day

NEW Nominated for three 2008 LMFAs A Fair Distance: Running on Empty WIP Slash begun in 2007 and continued in A Fair Distance: Ball and Chain 2008 and 2009. Warnings: relevent warnings are listed for each chapter. Click to see the overall warnings for this story
A Fair Distance: Blair no longer lives in Cascade and he's in trouble with the law.
Chapter Four of Ball and Chain.

Chapter Five of Ball and Chain

2009 Chapter Six of Ball and Chain

NEW 2009 Chapter Seven of Ball and Chain

NEW 2009 Three Drabbles from A Fair Distance Gen, Slash, Slash. 2009.
Dave Findley, Sweetwater Cop: Set during Ball and Chain. Family's important.
Jim's Thoughts While Blair is Sleeping in his Arms: Set prior to A Fair Distance. Like sand held too tightly in his fist, Blair is slipping away from him.
Crime Scene: Set shortly after Blair leaves Cascade, prior to A Fair Distance. Jim does what he needs to do to survive without Blair.

NEW 2009 Chapter Eight of Ball and Chain

NEW 2009 Chapter Nine of Ball and Chain

LMFA A Fair Distance 2008 Est Rel.

LMFA A Fair Distance 2008 Post TSby BS

If You Judge, Investigate A standalone story in A Fair Distance 'verse set in Blair's early teen years. Gen Suspicion of Child Abuse 2008 When Blair was fourteen he stole a microscope. He’s been summoned to Juvenile Court.

Lonesome Highway A standalone story in A Fair Distance 'verse set during Blair's year of exile.Slash, 2008 A lonely and tired truck driver deals with his current life while remembering the past..

Recommended reading order is:
A Fair Distance:Running on Empty (Click on the prequel at the top of the page called A Question for the Lord)
Lonesome Highway
If You Judge, Investigate
A Fair Distance:Ball and Chain
Three Drabbles

There are links at the bottom of each story to take you to the next chapter or to the standalone stories.

NEW A Sea-Change: Part One. Non work safe pic, A Sea-Change: Part Two, A Sea-Change: Part Three, and A Sea-Change: Part Four. Completed. featured in My Mongoose Ezine for 2008 and 2009. Slash. AU. Cruising. Surfing. Swept Away. Secrets. Sex. There's something different about the hippie boy Jim met while on a surfing vacation before leaving Vice and joining Major Crimes.
Warnings: relevent warnings are listed for each chapter. Click on the link to see the warnings for the completed story

Short Stories

NEW Hecking In Written for T. Verano's Birthday. Gen. 2009. Jim's boring day of doing paperwork at the PD is interrupted by a rather strange email from his friend and guide, Blair Sandburg. Inspired by T.Verano's email of dismay to me.

NEW Henri Brown is a Fine, Fine Man Written for ts_allstars and sentinel_thurs. Het:Henri Brown/Alisha Brown. 2009
Detective Henri Brown forgot his wedding anniversary. He's taken Blair Sandburg's advice on how to get back into his wife's good graces.

Discerning the Magi's Gift Gen. Written for ts_secret_santa 2008, and is a sequel to t_verano's wonderful story, Polishing Shoes. Jim figures out a few things about himself and his roommate. Set two days after Christmas following the events of Polishing Shoes.

A Delectable Form of Defeat featured in 2008 Donate an Orgasm to Moonridge Anthology. Slash. 2008 The real story behind the command, "Use the spray, Chief."

To Catch A Thief featured in My Mongoose Ezine June 2008 edition 2008. Pre-slash A plagiarist brings turmoil to Blair's and Jim’s lives

Forty Years of Fear Based Responses Slash, 2008. Unbeta’ed. Some things won’t change as the years go by.

Adramelech Gen. 2008
Written for patk for Moonridge 2007. Nominated for a 2008 LMFA. Twelve year old Jimmy Ellison has his first experience with the supernatural. child abuse, violence

Birthday Snippet for snailbones Slash. 2008. Ironing, cheese, olives and wine.

The Return of the Sentinel Slash.2007 Tragedy strikes Jim’s ice cream. Revenge will be sweet.

Maintenance Slash.2007 Jim realizes why he touches Blair so much.

That Happy Song Slash.2007 Blair has a problem. Jim helps him out.

Film Processing Slash. 2007 Jim, a camera, an elf and a Christmas party for foster kids.

Kodak Moment Slash and a sequel to Film Processing. A gift fic written for T_verano 2007 Jim’s eyes are opened by some photographic evidence.

Penalty Gen.2007 A missing scene from the episode ‘Killers.’ Partners stick together.

Compromising… Positions Gen but if you squint it’s preslash.2007 a comparison of the merits of yoga vs weight training.

Sandburg, the Computer Savvy Saviour Gen.2007 What happened before that fishing trip to Clayton Falls?

On the Road Again Slash and a sequel to Sandburg, the Computer Savvy Saviour. 2007 It’s a long, damn ride for Simon and Blair from Clayton Falls to Cascade.

Promises to Keep Gen violence,rape fantasy A Moonridge bonus story written for slipperieslope 2007 Kincaid’s watching during his trial.

Turnabout… and Is Fair Play Two slash stories written for pattrose for Moonridge 2007 and featured in My Mongoose Ezine. 2007 Winning or losing, it’s how you play the game.


Primal vs Rational Slash 2008
Two drabbles written for patk for Moonridge 2007. Jim’s id wrestles with his ego when Blair brings up getting a tattoo.

Personal Space Gen. 2007 Boundaries? What boundaries?

The Pitch and the Catch - a Double Drabble Slash.2007 Check that little pitcher out

A Variation of Normal Gen.2007 Jim doesn’t care for Mother’s Day.

And Make It Better Slash.2007
Another drabble jacking from sentinel_thurs. Simon observes his observer doing damage control.

Highly Self Satisfied Slash. 2007
Part of a chain of drabbles from sentinel_thurs. Jim’s smug.

Speculation A Moonridge 2007 Drabble for slipperieslope Gen rape fantasy,violence.2007 Kincaid’s watching

Candy-Striper-Stripper Stops by the ER Gen/ridiculous. 2007 crack!drabble. I hold my flist responsible.

Seven Kisses mixture of Gen, Het and Slash. 2007Seven kisses from Sentinel, Too.
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