Jun 05, 2016 13:01
Long time no see?
I was kidnapped by life and I've now tunneled my way free?
Yeah. I got nothin'.
Briefly lots of stuff has happened that has kept me superbusy.
New grandbabies (I've got four now, a just turned five year old boy, Poplar, an almost four year old boy, Hugo, a sixteen month old baby girl, Meridian Rose, and a four month old baby girl named Juniper Anne. The Anne is after me, and I teared up when I was told)
A new job. And for a while I was still working part time at the old job and full time at the new job. I've been at the new one for two months, and I'm getting the hang of it. It's more pay, better working conditions for me since I've got asthma now and I don't have to breathe in second hand smoke, or get triggered by the things in people's homes that set off my allergies which set off the asthma.
Lots of stuff to do at home. Some of which I've actually gotten done. More stuff that hasn't gotten done, and I was very, very lazy yesterday, which felt great, since it was a rainy day and basically all I did was cook and make cookies and write. So I'm going to have to do some catching up today. For some reason I do better at completing my to do lists when I put them in a post.
So, here goes.
1. Make list. And as a bonus I've finally posted again on LJ. Thanks, Snailbones, for checking to see if I was still above ground and kicking. T Verano, baby, I've owed you a long email and it's on the to-do list also.
2. Laundry: A. Wash and dry; B. Fold; C. Put it away. I always get hung up on B and C.
3. Dishes
4. Vacuum
5. Dust. (I've really let that slip and I'm supposed to do it daily)
6. Scrub the shower including the shelves.
7. Plant the flowers in the pots. All my impatiens died. So sad, and that's never happened before. It might be because it was cold and rainy after I planted them for weeks..
8. Put vinegar in the coffee machine and clean it out. This will have to wait until the decaff coffee I now drink is gone.
9. Go for a walk outside.(I did two miles and ate a bug) I've been rocking this lately with my new work schedule, since I don't have to leave for work until 12:45pm so I have time in the am to walk.
10. Walk on the treadmill and finish watching Pacific Rim. I love the two scientists in the story. (I walked another mile and ran out of time to finish watching it)
11. Finish planting the garden, which will include some weeding.
12. Cut the window trim and nail those suckers on the wall. I actually managed to mostly accomplish a big project, which was finishing up a bedroom so that people can actually sleep in it. Just have the window trim to finish now. Electric needs to be done also, but that part isn't my department.
12. Call Holly about doing a trash run. With my new job schedule, it's hard for me to do it. (talked about it with my husband and he did the calling)
14. Check on my audio files for the podfic I've been glacially slow at completing and email the buyer (it was for Moonridge years ago) and let her know that I haven't totally abandoned it and her. I needed new earplugs and I did get them ordered.
15. Strip the bed and wash the sheets.
16. Re-organize the hall closet and put away all the Christmas stuff in it. Yes, Christmas stuff. Yes, I'm seriously behind on a lot of stuff. IN my defense, changing jobs meant changing insurance for me and my husband and it was a very time consuming process. Also, lots of birthdays and births going on. I stayed with my daughter who has the newest baby for a week. Also, she got married last October and I helped with that. Really nice wedding and her husband is a wonderful addition to the family.
17. Write more on my latest story. It's a very rough SGU one, and I haven't posted any of it here. I've decided to stop posting the actual stories I'm still writing here, just the links to AO3.
18. Update posts on my stories on LJ.
18. Email back people I need to talk to and reply to any comments for stories.
Of course, if I need to babysit for my daughter, who lives a five minute walk from here, all of the above goes out the window. And I do babysit a lot on the weekends, and we've had a fair amount of company here for holidays and weekend visits.
So, I've got about eleven hours to get this list done. Let's see how I do.
Missed you guys and I was too busy to participate in the Sentinel Big Bang this year, which is the first time I've had to give it a pass. I'm pretty much done with writing in that fandom, but I do still have a series I want to complete sometime. Maybe for the next one.
There were certain assumptions I had about getting older, which I've found were dead wrong. Number one was that I'd have more time to do things. Not so much, I've found out. I'm super busy all the time. Yesterday was a fluke in that I just basically chilled and wrote while my husband and I watched a NCIS marathon and listened to the rain pour down.
Another assumption is that I wouldn't need as much sleep. Nope, I actually need all the sleep hours. I actually have sleep apnea, and have to use a breathing machine, but man, it has made such a difference in my exhaustion levels.
I'm getting close to retirement age (sixty-two next birthday) but the reality is that I need to keep working because living off my social security would be tough and my 401K goes up and down like a yo-yo. I'm gonna shoot for working till I'm seventy, if I can. My new job is much less stressful, although it's fast paced while I'm there. It was a good choice to move and the job fell into my lap. I wasn't even job hunting, I called up an old co-worker on behalf of one of my clients and she offered me a job when she asked how work was going. I had jokingly said, "Oh, you know, overworked and underpaid," and she said, "Well, I have a job." Turns out she had the resignation letter of a staff member who had been screwing off there on her desk that day and it took me about 30 seconds of asking questions to decide to go for it. I filled out the application that Friday and emailed it in and had an interview and was hired the next Tuesday. I miss my old co-workers and my clients, but I don't miss the stress and the constant way they kept shoehorning more and more work on us without compensating us. I left with about 45 hours of unpaid work and I was denied three months of mileage (yeah, I should have been better at turning it in, in hindsight, but I spent all my work time doing more important paperwork for the job. I regret that now) I had worked there for twenty-three years.
Okay, time to stop drinking coffee and get this list accomplished. I can watch some Netflix shows while I wash the dishes and fold laundry. That's about the only time I have to watch TV, since I'm at work most evenings.
my life