wneleh likes to make lists of the enormous amount of stuff she's trying to accomplish as a mom and a scientist and a fanfic writer, and I felt vaguely moved to make my own list in the hopes that I'll be motivated to do some of it. (Actually, feeling pretty sleepy right now).
The Wish List
Take a nap Sunday. well, I didn't meant to. I fell asleep while crocheting and watching the Sting with my husband.
Read more Avengers fic or Incredible Hulk fic.
Make a chocolate cake
Eat chocolate cake
Waste time looking up stuff on Youtube i'M IN LOVE WITH BRUCE GUTHRO, THE LEAD SINGER OF RUNRIG. Can't stop listening to Protect and Survive.
Watch something I can crochet to and count it as research. HAHA, actually watched the Avengers cartoon on TV. Yay! I didn't know they were airing them. This counts as research, totally.
The Get This Shit Done List
Wash dishes (twice)
Sweep Floor
Mop Floor
Sweep porch
Vacuum carpets Alas. It would have disturbed my husband watching TV,and he's sick so he gets a pass.
Scrub sink
wipe bathroom surfaces
Tote the laundry to the neighbors since our washing machine is broken
Tote next load, etc
Tote next load, etc
Finish scene in Avengers second fic FINALLY!!
Listen to Due South podfic for quality check (to be done while doing other chores)
Look on flash drives for the hopefully fully edited podfic, which I swear I did, because otherwise I've got to re-edit a good thirty minutes, which will be another three hours of work. Apparently it didn't save or I spaced out thinking this was done. It's not. Curses.
re-edit a good thirty minutes, which will be another three hours of work.
Make non music version podfic
Send out podfic and story and art to Moonridge winners
Sort out zines to mail away.
Wash two windows.
Wash two more windows
Fix something for supper
Go get the mail so sick husband can watch the Sting from Netflix. And drove to a town with my foster daughter, paid for her gas and paid for some groceries for her and the kids. She won't get paid till next week on her new job, which is a tough one, working at a chicken processing plant.
Write next scene in Avengers fic
Walk on treadmill.
dry and fold three loads of laundry,plus what's piled up from earlier loads (can do this while watching TV)
Okay, I've been sick for twelve days and today's the first day of not being sick. Yay. Things have slid pretty badly around here. On the other hand, I've done a lot of writing while I've been sick. Silver lining.