Gifties and Tornados and Drunken Hugs and Grandbaby

Feb 29, 2012 20:11

Ah, I have wee blue dragons to look at on my profile. Thank you, janedavitt, luicat, aerianya, and kalijean for sending them over to roost at my place.

And I happened to be at the right place at the right time, and raised my hand when lapetite_kiki offered an icon of her lovely picture of Blair testing Jim's senses with something a lot more pleasant than a sour glass of milk. Take a look

We've had tornados in the general area, and we're still under a watch for a couple more hours, but it looks like none will drop in on my holler. I worked a half day at home and took off the other four hours, so I was glad to not be out driving in the areas where tornados were spotted.

I made my February productivity for my job yesterday, by the skin of my teeth. February is always tough because it's a short month, but compared to other years, this February was a lot easier. The weather didn't cause roads to be shut down, which helped a lot. I took three days off, between sick days and taking some time when my grandbaby and daughter and son-in-law stopped by on their way home from visiting relatives in Texas. This meant my productivity was adjusted downward, which is a good thing, because otherwise I don't have enough clients to make the regular numbers. One lost his insurance, another landed in the pokey (again), and others couldn't keep appointments for one reason or another.

One guy was drunk as a skunk when I came over. He's off his meds, self-medicating with booze, and has very strong opinions on politics and religion, which he shared. At Great Length. I had to fend off a drunken hug from him, but it wasn't sexual. He was just so happy to have somebody to talk to. I actually got off fairly easy by getting him to turn me loose and shake hands instead. He told me he actually kissed two guys from his church who came to check on him, after giving them big ol' drunken hugs, too. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall, because when he does attend church, it's with a very conservative denomination.

I came by the next day and gave him some resource information on rehab and crisis services. I think he's high risk for making a suicide attempt, but he denied it both days. He wasn't drunk, although he had been drinking, on the second day. I can look into my crystal ball and predict that if he doesn't go back to rehab, he's going to be picked up for DUI and end up back in jail.

I'm trying to finish up my WIP Comes a Time, the third arc of A Fair Distance. Some upcoming chapters are really short, other fairly long, and I'm on Chapter Sixteen. T, my beta, is working on Chapter Six, which is about 4,500 words long.

This weekend I'm going to start my Reverse Sentinel Bang story, which will be a new story in the A Glimmering From Afar series. I'm basing it on some gorgeous art work by a very talented artist who uses paper cutting as his medium. Want a look?

The grandbaby is crawling and getting into everything. My daughter said he's teething and couldn't sleep last night and played with banging pots and pans together from three am to five am. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The years that we raised our three (the oldest had just turned five, and the middle girl was 22 months old when the baby boy was born) are a blur, probably from being sleep deprived a lot, but I'm sure we had similar nights.

Poplar around seven months or so.

my life

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