A Sea Change Master Post

Oct 26, 2011 22:34

Title: A Sea Change
Author: Laurie laurie_ky
Fandom: The Sentinel
Genre: Slash, Het, Au with Celtic mythology, Angst
Pairing Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg, Jim Ellison/Carolyn Plummer
Rating: Mature
Warnings: My warning page for this story
Word Count: ~112,00 words
Notes: Beta'ed by the lovelyt_verano. Her attention to language made this a much better story. Originally published in My Mongoose Ezine
Summary Jim is fed up with being a Vice cop, and he'll be transferring to Major Crime soon. He's taking a break by going on a little surfing expedition -- and cruising for guys. Anonymous sex and riding the waves are the only things he's interested in -- but the events that occur during his vacation will affect him profoundly. And there's something puzzling about the nameless beautiful hippie boy who catches his eye one night.

Links: AO3 | ASR3 | Master Post on DW | LJ-Part One | LJ-Part Two-A | LJ-Part Two-B | LJ-Part Three-A | LJ-Part Three-B | LJ-Part Three-C | LJ-Part Three-D | LJ-Part Four-A | LJ-Part Four-B | LJ-Part Four-C | LJ-Part Four-D

slash, my mongoose ezine, celtic mythology, au, pairing: jim ellison/blair sandburg, a sea change, master fiction post, a sea change series, the sentinel

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