still scratching

Oct 14, 2005 23:02

Over a month ago, i got a near fatal case of chiggers. I'm still scratching. It's bloody awful really, all these scabs and itchy spots. I have to wear tights to my pilates class to hide the seeping wounds. I will never go hiking in Arkansas again without shoes or pants... What was i thinking? My feet are especially torn up, and the pain is aggravated by having to wear heavy socks and steel toed boots in the field. After a long day of exploring landfills, I get back to my office and rip off my socks and boots and tear at my feet. Ouchy ouchy ouchy. Bein' a hippy in the midwest has its cost.

Today, i busted a posse of Osage County boys burning pressure treated lumber by the side of the road. When I pulled in, bearing state tags, they looked sideways at each other....

When i approached and introduced myself, one guy said "You're the lady who can't drive by and turn her head...".
I had to laugh. Poor bastard. Later that day, his boss got a scathing letter on real-deal letter head. God, i love this regulatory approach. It's just so satisfying!

Time to beat back the dogs and tidy the kitchen.
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