It's Thursday and I've had four out of my five classes. Somehow between academics and volunteering I managed to give myself 9:00's every day of the week except Monday, which was oh so foolish on my part. Dani and I were in the PS office this morning at 8:50 just rolling our eyes at each other.
So, initial impressions:
Video Workshop (MW 2-3:50)
AMAZING. Slightly intimidating. Inspirational. The reunion-to-end-all-reunions: after three years I'm finally back with my favorite professor, TNick, and my entire Doc group is taking the class. We have a pretty solid idea to pitch and a lot of support coming in in the form of soundtrack composition and scriptwriting; and we know from good hard experience that Brianne, Elli, Mike and I can handle anything that comes our way. Our mantra is High Production Values Equals Awesome, and we're going to petition to use one of the HD cameras they're opening up to the capstone production classes.
Asian Ethnography (MW 4-5:15)
This is a class I really should have taken last fall, because a better course description would be Obsession With India 101. The professor seems very dynamic and I don't think I'll have any problem listening to her for 75 minutes. But, it's All India All the Time. Since I had a less-than-favorable experience that I'm still working to come to terms with, it's going to be hard not to a.) take a cynical approach to all the unbridled enthusiasm, or b.) forget what I learned actually being there and idealize everything. One of the other girls in the class did SIT in India last semester, so I'm interested/apprehensive to hear about her experience.
I'm also realizing with this class that the one writing course and three intro-level anthro classes never really taught me how to write. Senior year and I'm finally asked to produce an annotated bibliography. I understand that I'm going to need help and I'll be worked out of my mind as is, so the plan is not to agonize and just go to the writing center.
South American Prehistory (TR 9:25-10:40)
I've been wanting to take this class with this professor for a long time; I enjoyed the Andean civilization segment of World Prehistory and I think I'll enjoy the subject matter here. Hence, a 9 o'clock class senior year. The makeup of the class is very interesting, from sophomore to senior, music to PT. AE is primarily anthro majors, and since I haven't had a decent anthro class in a year I feel a little unfooted; there should be a bit more methodology with this one.
Cultivating Meditative Awareness (TR 4-5:15)
AALkadgfdsiupghsdf. This class is in Muller Chapel, which is a beautiful open space with what seems like a really wonderful professor. But. I was getting antsy just listening to the lecture tonight, and while I can handle the daily journals and 15-page-paper-project-whatever, the final will kill me. It's 12 hours long. The Saturday after finals week. Two day before Christmas Eve. Factoring in the early start date for the LA semester and the time it will take me to drive out to California, this class means I'll have maybe a week at home before a potential who-knows-how-long away.
ICTV Rush went really well, and my speech made me sound like a moderately coherent and capable person. (It's amazing, with how nervous I get beforehand and how shaky I am afterwards, that when I'm actually speaking I come across as intended.) There was a tremendous freshman turnout and I got to chat up the dean and tv professors who attended. Role 1 of the Station Manager complete!