every inch of you

Sep 21, 2005 22:44

1. Do you wear makeup? If so how much and where? sometimes...eyeliner and mascara
2. Do you use face creams/ moisturisers? only when my face is really dry
3. Do you pluck/ wax your eyebrows? i pluck them every once in a while
4. Have you made any permanent changes with surgery? no

1. Which brand of shampoo do you use? brilliant brunette at the moment
2. Do you condition? yes
3. Do you blow dry/ straighten/ curl your hair? i straighten once in a while
4. Do you use mousse/ hair spray/ any added volumisers etc? no i'm way too lazy to do that
5. How often do you go to the hair dressers? barely ever
6. Is your hair coloured? If so which colour? it's pretty much gone...it was dark brown...now it's regular brown
7. Have you got streaks/ highlights? not really
8. How do you usually wear your hair? down or up in a messy bun
9. Ever had extensions? nope

1. Any piercings? If so how many and where? noneeee
2. Any tats? If so what are they, where are they, how many? not yet
3. Do you wear jewellery? How much? i HATE jewelry...yuck
4. How much of your wardrobe contains brand names? (as a percentage) i dunno...not that much
5. Favourite item of clothing: my red boarderline t-shirt that i stole from gary
6. Do you own any furr? no
7. Brand of deodrant: ban and uhh something i stole from david's bathroom
8. Perfume/ Aftershave: whatever
9. Shaving foam/ shaving gel/ wax/ sugar/ soap and water? shaving gel
10. Do you shave/ wax your legs? i shave them...i just did as a matter of fact
11. Do you shave/ wax your arm pits? i shave them
12. Do you shave/ wax your arms? no i'm not weird like evelyn haha
13. Do you shave/ wax bikini line? no not really...i don't usually wear bathing suits so it's not an issue
14. How often do you shave? it's not really a regular thing haha
15. Do you use talc? no
16. Do you use a body moisturiser? when i feel the need
17. Brand of bubble bath: doesn't matter
18. Brand of soap: doesn't matter
19. Brand of washing powder: ummm?

1. Do you prefer fizzy/ still drinks? i like em both
2. Favourite hot drink: white chocolate mocha
3. Favourite cold drink: oh so many
4. Favourite snack: it depends
5. Favourite meal: noodles
6. How many meals do you eat a day? one or two
7. Do you eat out? at lunch time usually
8. Convinience food agree/ disagree? agree i suppose
9. Favourite fast food outlet: that's a toughy
10. Regularity of eating out: not that often...we have lovely family dinners...
11. How often do you cook? once in a while
12. Milk: semi skimmed, full fat?: 2%
13. Bread: white/ brown/ wholemeal? depends on my mood...i tend to like wheat though...
14. Butter/ marg? butter f'sho
15. Do you own a food mixer? i don't know
16. Slice your own veg/ buy ready prepared? umm alli does the cooking usually haha
17. Oven/ Microwave? microwave definitely

1. Favourite sport: soccer to play, basketball and baseball to watch
2. How often do you work out? barely ever
3. In any clubs/ societies for sport? nope
4. Own a car/ vehicle? yes...i miss it terribly too...but now i have to fucking disinfect it when i get home...
5. How often do you drive? barely ever now...like once or twice a week or when gretel doesn't want to
6. Prefer to walk/ drive? i like walking to/from school sometimes...it's calming...but driving is good too...

1. Own a computer? for shore
2. Email/ Hand Written Letter? both
3. Hand written notes/ typed up? hand written
4. Broadband? Wireless? Dial up? wireless
5. How often do you use your computer? too much
6. Have a fax? yeah i think so
7. Have a mobile phone? yeah
8. How often do you use your mobile? at least once a day
9. Is it just the one mobile phone? just one for me
10. Average bill monthly? no idea
11. Pay as you go/ contract? contract
12. Ever used your mobile over the landline to save time walking? yeah
13. Cable/ Sky/ Freeview? what?
14. Do you own a DVD Player? yeah
15. How many DVDs do you have? a few
16. VHS? dunno
17. Stereo system? no
18. Laptop? yeah
19. PDA/ Blackberry? no
20. How many game consoles you do own? one in juneau

1. Smoke? How many a day? nooo
2. Brand of cigarettes? --
3. Drugs? nope
4. Drink alcohol? once in a while
5. Favourite alcoholic beverage: straight up vodka
6. Pick litter up/ leave it? depends
7. Turn off lights/ appliances or not bother? turn off
8. Leave the tap running when cleaning your teeth? sometimes
9. Sort trash into seperate bins? no
10. Recycle? i think so
11. Worry about the world? not really haha...sometimes...

poo on you

ya know what i hate the most about this...i'm obsessed with it too...and i can't stop thinking about it and i can't stop talking about it and ahhh! i hate myself...
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