In the Aussie state of Queensland pet rabbits are banned completely due to the damage wild rabbits have done to the environment (which, may I add is not the rabbits fault, it's more along the lines of human stupidity). If a person is caught with a pet rabbit it's a $30,000 fine and the animal is taken away and destroyed.
Vets in Queensland will not treat rabbits. However they WILL treat "Long eared Guinea-Pigs" (good old Aussie humor ;) ). After being asked to leave a practice in Queensland, some asshole vet decided to steal the records of patients with rabbits and hand them over to authorities, in turn causing owners to be fined and have their much loved pets taken away. The link below is the whole story.
Please sign the petition in there also. This rediculous law needs to be stamped out. Thanks guys. Hope you're all well.