Fuck people!

Sep 19, 2005 18:34

Im gonna vent like no tomorrow

Today was our Fieldhockey game against canton. We SUCKED ASS. like not one good thing could be said about the game and Im including myself in that statement. We all played like shit and deserve to loose. It was a reality shock....4 and 1 now, not 5 and 0.

I just cant sit there and listen in to other peoples conversations about trash talk. I was laughing at how pathetic some people stoop. But IM not going to Name any names cuz thats not how it goes. im going to make a general statement that people talking to other people about someone talking shit..... is the same fucking thing. Your talking shit about that person whether you think it or not. The fact that ur telling someone else that someone was talking shit makes u just as guilty as that person.

I also hate that we say O team this Team that, and then dont act like a team. A team that consists of 30 girls should sit with each other and respect one another. We are all part of something and thats not even close to how we act. Today after a loss I looked around and saw girls sitting with their boyfriend, flirting, sitting across the field. Granted none of us were really watching the JV game, none of us actually reallyt hought about what had just happend. We lost and we shouldnt have. its stuff like that, that made us lose. In order to win, you need to play like a team, you need to act like a team, Go look up the deffinition of team.

Team- a group of people playing or working together, to join in a cooperative activity.

Whether its sitting together or playing on the field, ovbiously today we didnt do that. For a team that lost no one acted like it. In order to be better, you have to learn from mistakes....to me and what I wittnessed, no one acted like this was a mistake...so how are we supposed to learn from it???????????!

i have a lot more to say but I just cant even explain it....although the one thing that pissed me off the most is that if someone was upset out of 30 people only two noticed one particular person... thats bullshit!!!!
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