May 22, 2005 14:04
Well lets see what happend this weekend???
Friday I went to my softball game and which we won, and then I showered and went to townspa with Joe, Jess, Tom, Allie, Brendan, Evan, Bear, Alex, Josh, lil rosenberg, and Sara. And I think that was it. Then after Me allie brendan and joe went to the Gibbons school playground, then Camp Westwoods, and then I hung out at joes for a lil bit.
Sat morning I hadda wake up at 6:30 cuz I had to GO GET MY LISCENCE!!!!
BOOO YA!!! and then I went to my game....I mean I drove myself to my game which we also won. It was a yucky game though because noone was there and it started to rain really really really hard!! So we stopped the game in the 5th inning and went home. Then I hadda shower and Babysit till like 12:30 in the morning and that was yucky but I made like 60 Bucks
This morning I woke up because a bunch of us were supposed to go to Zacharys for breakfeast but due to some Sleepy boy we couldnt. And I was the only one there, So instead I took out pancakes and took them home to feast on all alone. Thanks again sleepyface!!!!
After I ate the pancakes I got pised off for a couple reasons and I went to the gym and saw Justin Benoit and he was a kool kid, then I came home and here I am now, gonna shower and do a lil bit of homework maybe!!!