One day Jeremy went outside to play basketball in his driveway. When suddenly, he came across a nickel. This was not an ordinary nickel by an means, it was a nickle made out of nickel
rather than iron. Seeing irony in this iron situation, he ran to his
mother to tell her the news. After telling his mom what he had found,
he proceeded to walk down the street and ask every old person if they
had ever come across a nickel made of nickel
in their lifetimes. All of them had not. So he wrote a letter to
Ripley's Believe it or not and four weeks later he got a letter in
response saying that it was an amazing find and that he should come
down and meet Ripley himself. After months of travel on horseback,
Jeremy arrived at the Ripley's Believe It Or Not headquarters. They
examined his nickel very closely for years and then informed him that he was a stupid loser and sent him home with the knowledge that his nickel was in fact made from 75% copper and 25% actual nickel.
jeremy felt embarassed. Se he cried for days until a man came to him
and said, "i'm going to punch you in the face if you keep being a loser
face like that." And so from then on Jeremy was a prospering CEO at a
large scale company and had millions of dollars to spend on iron ore to
make his own brand of nickels or, "irons," as he liked to call them. His nickels were so good that they ended up ending all wars and expanding peace around the world for humanity as we know it.
The End.
:) Jeremy's nickel.
The word nickel wierd the crap out of me...
nickel.... gosh.
True Story.