Feb 05, 2007 11:52
my body is sooooo sore. i played soccer on saturday, even though i didnt work out as hard as i could cuz i had these crazy leg cramps. ive worked out and stretched and i still couldnt get them to go away. they have been here for almost a week now, they are starting to feel better but it was terrible on saturday. whenever i would run my knees would go numb and i felt like i was running with bricks on my ankles. in other news, yesterday i went snowboarding with lacey & my mom. it was about 60 degrees outside, but it was still fun. i think im sore because of that also. today after work im going shopping with ashley so she can get shoes & jewelry for valentines day. then tonight is DATE NIGHT with prison break & chinese food. then of course the hills and relaxing in the jacuzzi. that means i have to do my homework now so i can be ready for wednesdays sign language class and my economics quiz.
other than that.... my birthday is a month from tomorrowwww woooohooo!!
.....i guess that is all....im going to eat the steak & macaroni salad that ronnie gave me :)