[music|Crazy- Gnarls Barkley ]
My family left to go camping Sunday while I worked Sunday-Tuesday. After work on Tuesday, Mum and Elli drove into town and picked me up so I could camp with them for all of Wednesday (my day off) before we'd all pack up and leave on Thursday so I'd be back for work at 11. I got home today after work and checked my e-mail.
Just cause you're a sweetheart!
But it's from Anonymous! I really wish I knew who sent this to me so I can repay them properly. But, my dear Anonymous person, should you wish to remain anonymous, I shower love and devotion on you! :D I've never gotten an lj pressie before! But you didn't have to spend money on me, really!
If you comment anonymously then I can give you more squeeage and fangirly-type behaviour. Eeeee, I'm so excited!! *squeals and runs around the room*
I'm exhausted since it's late and I had a long day at work, but I'll be back tomorrow when I can escape from my volunteer facepainting (under duress) tomorrow night.