Don't tell me you're having second thoughts. "Not one." - Brian. Well, we shall see...

Aug 30, 2005 20:54

Worried ]
[music| Loyalty- Horatio Hornblower ]

I'm watching Horatio Hornblower on TVO because my last two DVDs from Chapters haven't been sent yet. *glares murderously* Of course it starts out with maximum slashiness possible: Horatio runs into Lt Bush on the street and invites him to his lodging house. Horatio then says to his landlady that Bush will be his guest (there seem to be many, or so says the landlady) but there's only... *gasp* one bed. *cackles maniacally* "I have shared a berth with Lt Bush and considered it an honour." Oh, you did, did you?

But I hate the girl in this movie, I know he's going to marry her. Blech. He's meant to be with Archie (now deceased) and then Bush (when I am not buried in the Living Kennedy Universe).

Quote about not discussing the military even in the Officer's club: "He (Horatio) may be sharing his bed with some Republican strumpet." Um, I think you mean crumpet. Hehe. I'm so clever.

I work tomorrow and Thursday and then I'm done for the summer! And I can pick up extra shifts on Saturdays and Sundays over the year if I like, and I can work in December when I'm off. Plus I'm working there next year too. Sweeet, no job hunting for me, thank god. Everything's all set up for the house, now I just have to move in!

I just found the finale, I think, of Queer as Folk and I'm so nervous. You wouldn't believe how hard my heart is beating. I'm almost positive it won't turn out how I want just from little dropped lines I've seen in review titles and stuff. Oh god, I can't handle it. Check back in an hour to see if my head's exploded.

What I want: Brian and Justin to marry and live at Britin (their manor, squee!).

What will probably happen: Brian will revert to his regular 'fucking not marriage' mindset and not follow through on the wedding.

Get ready with the soap and sponges to wipe my grey matter off the walls.

Hm, since I seem to be a bit shaky with nerves, I'll update about my other exciting work news later. Yes, it is exciting for me, but the QaF finale had priority.

queer as folk, work, news, horatio hornblower

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