Naughty ]
[music|Fields of Gold - Sting ]
Yes, I am being a dork and watching Horatio Hornblower. It's a fantastic episode!! I just had a minute of orgasmic bliss as Horatio was showered down, in ze buff, and I saw his gorgeous arse. There has not been a more perfect bum in the history of tushies.
Oh! I just about had a heart attack. They had to reline the anchor and as it was kinking, Lt. Bush was caught and pulled to the bottom. Then Horatio dove in and saved him! Maybe Hornblower/Bush will become my new OTP. *strokes imaginary mustache* Maybe.
Holy Toledo! Dad was just watching a Yankees game when he shouted for Mum and I to come look. A guy from the upper decks of the ballpark somehow fell over the railing and landed in the netting that keeps foul balls from landing on people in the lower levels. If that netting hadn't been there... holy... He looked so shaken up, I don't blame him! Then he had to climb back up the netting until the security guys could (quite literally) launch him over the railing to safety. I would have been stuck on the net, someone would have had to come fetch me. *shudder*
Huzzah! Yesterday my manager and T came out from the back when no one was in the store and sang Happy Birthday. Then they gave me a present: dishes for my new house! They knew I needed them (the students I'm living with have already had the house for a year, so everything's established but we need more dishes). It was so nice of them. Then I got flowers today at work! A vase of lilies from the owners of the store!
I worked the full day with my manager, which went fine, but I'm exhausted. Came home and had shrimp for supper! *drools* Then Elli brought out the present they had bought me. They got me a little mp3 player! It's brilliant! And so tiny! And, Natalie, Grandma, Grandma & Grandpa, and Bianca all sent me notes and cards! And Lauren and Kate wished me a happy birthday, too! I normally don't get excited for birthdays, but this was good.
And! Horatio Hornblower's being repeated tonight, so I'm taping it! Mmm.... Horatio bum...