Mr. Kennedy... take care of him. *Name that show!*

Aug 04, 2005 21:39

Silly ]
[music|Laughing- Burton Cummings ]

Today was an average small-town day. I had to work, but S & T are awesome to work with, so it was a good day.

Due to my severe lack of anything interesting to say, I found some random pictures into my desk and have posted them! Aren't you so happy?

I almost forgot! I do have some news! Behind
T at work is leaving! She went for an interview this afternoon when she took her break. She came back and told us about it and it sounded like it went well. Then she got a call at work saying she had the job! S & T have both been at the store for over a decade each, so they're both getting pretty burnt out (I most definitely understand, bring me school!).

But now S is kind of upset because T is leaving in two weeks and I'll be done at the end of August to go back to school. She doesn't want to have to deal with the Oompa Loompa of Doom alone. The boss isn't too bad, but she can be so overbearing sometimes and make the rest of us look like idiots in front of the customers. Would you buy shoes from a person who is being interrogated and corrected (unnecessarily) by their manager? Maybe, but not with much confidence.

I'm really excited for T though, she needs to get out of there. Of course, sticking in a town of 2300 rather than 7500 can't be much better. Oh well, she's happy so I'm happy. Now we just need to emancipate S and watch the owner and the manager do a tandem *headexplody* of dooom.

This is my betta fish, Burton, named for Burton Cummings (*squee!* I should laugh/but I cry/ because your love/ has passed me by...)

It's Bill Graham, Canadian Defense Minister. I was 30 feet away from him! This was the keynote speaker for my Model United Nations Conference in Ottawa. It was so exciting. I know the pic's not too clear, but trust me, it's him!

This was an accident. I took this picture when I was just holding on to the camera while dancing at prom. Those are bloodyknees's boots!

This was my conference room. I was on the left hand side and back, you can't see it. We all had microphones and head sets for translation. I can't wait to go back this March. I am India!

This is one of the carvings/statues in the Museum of Civilization in Ottawa where the opening of CANIMUN was held. It was so tall, I love it. It's my favourite. And it has a weird dog-thing that we spent forever trying to puzzle out.

This was a giant snowball fight that was happening in the quad during exams (which I couldn't participate in because I had an exam *grumblesweargrumble*). Looked like fun!

This was in Quebec on a trip I took. The sign basically says "Beware/Attention/Watch out for our children, it could be...duh duh duuuuuh Yours". My god, the fear has been struck into my heart and stapled firmly by the little cartoon of an injured/dead child on a curb. Our bus driver actually stopped so we could all take a picture of this weird-ass sign.

I decided one day that I was going to take an old pair of my mum's track pants, pull them as high as I could over my shoulders, and prance around like, apparently, a bean would. I know, disturbed, but hideously fun. I remember doing it, too. The house is so different now, hardwood, bannisters are white, walls are a nice beige-y colour, and that plant is gone, so's the reflective painting. And the hair's not quite so blond. And that weird phone is long-dead too. I just saw the antenna and thought I was an alien.

Edit: Teh cut of dooom and the *headexplody* of dooom lined up really well. Didn't mean for that to happen. Tubular! Yes, I edited just for that...

work, news, pictures

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