Jul 15, 2005 21:05
if you can tell im trying to keep this thing up to date and updating every day so the entrys aren't ginormous.
today i woke up early around 9.30 and could NOT fall back asleep it was terrible so i just layed in bed for about a half hour. got up and my cousins came over so we watched them for a little bit and then me mom kay and kate went to fashion bug and i got a couple pairs of shoes and some sunglasses!!! then came home and did nothing until it was time to go to my doctors app. that went ok and after we went to the bank and nic called and asked me to come over so i went over there. a little after i got there her uncle john came over and we went to her grandpas house to eat dinner and then went back to his house and went out on the jetski for a little bit...did some swimming then came in. after we got back home her mom took me home and now im here and since nic couldn't spend the night im now extremely bored. so maybe if im lucky i;ll find something to do...oh yea im also waiting for my aunt to bring me home chinese!!! <3 oh ya IC's tomarrow and NYC is on MONDAY!!!! can't wait :)
by the way you should all come up to the festival at IC!!