Apr 21, 2005 16:58

So, its been an entire semester...so much for regularly updating!
short update:
THESIS IS TURNED IN!!! YAY YAY YAY!! its such a weight off...and i've refused to even think about the other work i have due next week until after the celebratory party at 4:00 tomorrow. so HA!
Also, i got my lease in the mail (have to call and get them to send me a letter saying that i can hang things on my walls...b/c right now its against the rules of the lease) so that needs to be signed and sent back once everything is taken care of.
Dining room table has been bought and is in storage at mark's parents house...we'll be using it for passover actually. its pretty but still has no chairs to go with it.
I tried buying a BEAUTIFUL credenza on ebay but lost. This modern furniture store in brooklyn just put up some new stuff though, so we'll see how that goes.
what else...i don't know - all i can think about is the SHEER JOY of having turned in my thesis! :-D
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