May 19, 2009 23:33
My Poetry
My poetry -
You'll never hear it spoken
its not meant for ears
cause sometimes they hear
the wrong thing
My words -
You'll never read them written
cause eyes sometimes dont
see whats there
You might be able to smell
my poetry
it might fill the air with
lusty breaths of life
that asfixiate your senses
and your conception of the real
my poetry might taste
like raspberry pie
the kind thats fresh
and sweet
like summer trapped in my childhood
and endless parade of
days that were never long enough
thats the power of
my poetry
it will tackle you to the ground
and kiss you in the tall spring
until your clothes
smell like dandelions
and i cant feel where the flowers end
and your thighs begin
this is
my poetry
best when im laughing
my hardest
and cant keep up with the
pangs of perfection in the everyday
the earth spinning too fast
to write it down