Veggie/Fruit Fast- Day 4

Nov 17, 2007 11:49

Well, I did it last night!  I had my gig at the bar and didn't drink any alcohol or eat anything not on the diet.  I did have a salad while I was there and that was it besides water.  YAY ME!!!
Weird thing, most of you know my deep affection for Diet Dr. Pepper, right? I drink about 2 sodas a day and  I also usually have a big cup of coffee every morning too.  I haven't had any caffine since I started the fast but I haven't had any caffine withdrawl headaches either.

I'm waiting until Tuesday AM to weigh myself but my clothes feel looser.  I'm hoping that I have lost a couple of pounds and it will encourage me enough to keep going after Thanksgiving.

Anyhoo... here's day 3 for ya.

AM- smoothie and water

Snack- hummus and carrots

Noon- veggie soup

Snack- rice cake

Dinner- brown rice and carrots

Late Snack- salad with olive oil and vinegar

No smooth move tea last night because I got home so late.  Again, I didn't feel hungry at any point in the day and my throat felt really clean while singing.

I'll be writing a blog about last nights' gig at some point later on today.  Thanks for reading, I know it's not the most entertaining post but it helps keep me going!

dieting and health

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