Mar 15, 2010 20:56
I dreamt that my current roommate was working on a marketing campaign for a new product: cereal for cats. Not only was it breakfast cereal targeted at felines, but the marketing department was choosing their strategy based partly on the fact that people like reading things at breakfast -- often the newspaper, or sometimes the cereal box. They were therefore having the cereal box give news updates. I think the Wall Street Journal was one of the main content providers.
Now, cats don't really understand the stock market, as a rule. So, to make the cereal box news appeal to felines, they were translating it all into terms the cats would understand. Namely, currency was being talked about in terms of dead rodents and insects instead of money.
There was also a cereal targeted at cats that was just Corn Chex with carrots in it. I was initially somewhat skeptical of how well this company's had assessed the needs of their customer base, after hearing about these products. But one of my girlfriend's cats liked it and got really into the stock market after she started eating the news cereal, so maybe they knew what cats wanted better than I did. I don't know how much the cats were willing to pay, though, so it's still unclear whether they had a workable business model.
cereal for cats,