entertaining things to do when you're in a dark room

Oct 07, 2005 21:47

I wish this entry was going to be as fun as the subject sounds. But actually I need some suggestions of a not too titillating variety. Well, first I need to get a whine in really quick: dammit, tonight I had to cancel about the fourth thing this week, and go home earlier from work than I wanted to yet again, due to migraines. I messed up my neck a little last weekend (yes, I really did manage to trip on my own leg and fall down a hill while playing defense in a touch rugby game... shuddup), and I've been paying for it all week. I should possibly go see about a massage or something, and probably exercise more, even though my first instinct is to protect the neck by moving as little as possible.

Okay, enough whining! On to the advice-asking section. A lot of my migraines these days are fortunately low-grade enough that I don't have to hide away in a darkened room for hours. But I still need to do so sometimes, occasionally for up to 6 hours. And one of the worst things about it is the combination of pain and boredom. It is so annoying to be in pain that you can't distract yourself from, because reading/movie-watching/use of eyeballs in any way increases the killer stabby head death.

But at some point it finally occurred to me that, hey, I have other senses. While music alone is not usually stimulating enough to keep me amused for hours on end, there are other forms of audio. I have been listening to streaming episodes of This American Life lately for all my migraine needs (note to others who try this in times of pain: I recommend not listening to episodes about Hurricane Katrina or anything else that will leave you feeling outraged and/or severely depressed on top of everything else). It's been good, but I've worked my way through a lot of archives at this point.

Does anyone have any other ideas of good streaming radio shows or other interesting things to listen to while in the dark (preferably easily accessible over the internet, and free)? I'll keep on with TAL, certainly, but it would not be amiss to have some other things at hand. Or if anyone else has other bright ideas for non-visual forms of stimulation (mental stimulation, thankyouverymuch), I'd be happy to hear them.

audio, migraines

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