Robot birthday party invites! WANT! In fact, all the text can be customized, so I could have them say "ROBOT INVASION! (a.k.a. Lauren's thesis defense party)" instead! Sadly, the price is way too steep. But you all should check them out, because they're awesome.
I have no idea if I'll actually have a thesis defense party. But it looks like I will be having a thesis defense sometime in the last week of June/first week of July. Wow. Assuming I can get my thesis written in time!
Today I took the important step of writing the first words that were officially for my actual thesis. When I put it that way it sounds like I'm way behind, but I've actually written a bunch of other content already that can go into my thesis, with some modification (ergo I'm only somewhat behind). But today I wrote a few pages* of completely new material especially for my ACTUAL THESIS DOCUMENT, and was pleased.
Also, I just got
this useful advice on converting my CV to a resume.