I will probably stop posting about my head soon. But it's been interesting! People have asked me lots of stuff I don't usually get asked. "Can I lick your head?" and "How do you keep people from drawing on your head?" among them. Also, it turns out that when I have a shaved head and am wearing pajamas and a long, flowing, matching robe (looking kind of like a monk in plaid), people will shrink from me in fear (or at least extreme confusion) when I approach them at the bus stop to ask questions. [1] Also, two-and-a-half year olds, even ones that I have previously met on many occasions, insist that I am a man. "No, what's HIS name, Daddy?"
So, the answer to "How do you keep people from drawing on your head?" is, I don't.
moominmolly drew
swirls all
over my
head with dry erase markers. Check it out!
Several small persons at the party where this occurred took an interest in this process, and one of them started talking to her shaved-headed dad about the prospects for decorating his head. I hope to see a trend of heads as art!
[1] I was wearing the pajamas for a party.