Obama call party: follow up and invite

Feb 26, 2008 12:02

Thanks, everyone, for your input (via LJ or otherwise) on the MoveOn call party for Obama, and on making political calls in general. I've decided to go ahead and host a party. It's this Sunday from 4-6:30 at my house. I'd love to have local friends come by and participate. I'm supposed to send out emails to all my friends, but I'd rather just send emails to interested friends. So if you're interested in finding out more details and possibly signing up, let me know in the comments or via email (and give me your email if you don't think I have it). Comments are screened.

P.S. I expect it will be fun! There will be tasty treats and drinks (I'm taking requests on both fronts), and there will be me and my roommate A., your lovely hosts. And there will be camaraderie and inspiration and hopefully making a difference in Texas. And probably some silliness, since I am often silly. Yay!

call party, events, texas, political, moveon, obama

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