Strangely, given my dislike of mingling with crowds of strangers, my loathing of making phone calls to strangers, my irritation at most phone calls that I receive from people I don't know, and my general disinclination to host things, I am thinking of hosting a party on 3/2 to gather Obama supporters together and phone people in Texas to give them voting info. I'd like feedback on this idea, as I have vague feelings that maybe there are drawbacks I'm not thinking of.
As I see it, here are some pros:
- The Texas voting system (primary + caucus; you can vote in both) is bewildering. Giving people info about it seems like a good idea.
- Encouraging people to vote is good.
- I do support Obama, but I don't have much money to contribute to him, so volunteering time is a good thing.
- It would be kind of fun and exciting to hang out with a bunch of Obama supporters. I'm being a weird political junkie right now, but mostly from the privacy of my own home, alone, and it would be nifty to actually be part of an event with other people who are excited. Frivolous, but true, and a major motivating factor here.
Some cons:
- I can't tell exactly how this works, but if we're only calling/encouraging Obama supporters to vote, and only giving them voting info, that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Everyone who wants to should vote.
- I feel a bit weird volunteering for Obama through, instead of volunteering for his campaign. PACs are weird and make me uneasy in vague ways I haven't fully analyzed.
Any thoughts? Other pros or cons? Desire to join in? Thanks for any and all feedback.