Aug 17, 2004 21:55
I just got done watching Olympics... damn those dudes on the rings... how do they do that? what if they have an itch while they're dangling up there? or have to sneeze? I guess it takes a lot of focus... which I dont have. Definately not. Or the muscles, obviously.
Lalala I'm in a good mood. I just drank some Yoohoo.
I made this giant collage on my wall. It looks so cool. But I should have waited until after I paint my room pink, because now I'll have to take it all down. But it didn't take that long to do, only like 30 minutes so putting it back up shouldn't be too much of a problem. I want to do all my other walls in a collage, but my mom says it's "tacky". It's ironic that she says that because her room is painted beige. blah. how very exciting.
speaking of exciting, don't you think golf would be more exciting if they just got better announcer people to commentate it. I mean, the ones they have kinda talk like my chemistry teacher. They need announcer who would be like "HOLY SHIT! HE JUST BIRDIED THAT PAR 4, FOLKS! UN-BE-LEEEE-VABLE!" Then I would watch it.
There I go again...