Religious people beware! I am on the loose.

May 08, 2005 22:33

Why do people need religion? Is it that they really need something to follow, or that they need something to place their faith in, or do they need something to give them faith? Why do people let other people give them their values and beliefs? Why wouldn't you want to do that for yourself? And then that leads to, who decides who is right or wrong? Who is the leader, who is at the top? I suppose I'm only asking all this because my family and I got into another argument that soon turned to the topic of right or wrong- Should people be allowed to say God Dammit? Because, according to my dad, its vulgar. But I ask, why is it vulgar? Because it offends. What does it offend? Their beliefs. Where do they get their beliefs? From themselves, or from a religion, because if it's from themselves, I will respect that with every part of my being, but if they pull a "because the bible/torah/koran says so" then I'm going to scoff at them and think less of them. Yes that makes me a bad person, go ahead all you religious people, say how rude I am but I don't care because I'm forced to put up with religious things in every day life so you can put up with my nonreligiousness for a little bit.

And for the record, the word pagan originated in early times when country people had one or more lesser deities that they followed. It is not supposed to be an insult.

I think I think too much, and since I think, therefore I am.

And I think that made no sense.
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