(no subject)

Jun 01, 2009 02:59

Nowadays I'm generally a happier person, but I still have the days where I just want to punch everyone in the face. I'm really on edge lately and I feel like every person is a total cunt. When I get annoyed with people I just think about the awesome friends that I do have and it calms me down. I think life will get less stressful once I'm done with finals. I have one in the morning, but of course I'm still up at 3 A.M. bitching about school and watching youtube videos. I haven't even studied for it, but eh whatever. I don't really give a shit. I should update LJ more but I never feel like I have anything worthwhile to share and ugh ughugh. My life has been pretty lame lately considering I've only left the house ONCE in the last week, so fucking lame. Let's see, what have I been up to lately?

My foot still hurts, but I tell my parents that it's better so that I don't have to sit on the living room couch for hours and hours and waste my life.

I've been listening to a lot of OOOOOOOOOOLD music, like shit I listened to in elementary middle school. I'm glad I have friends that I can talk to about this shitty music and have them understand why I like it and it's more amusing that way. The thing is that I really like the music, honestly. It makes me all nostalgic and happy. Destiny's Child for life.

BtMI! are coming to California in July and goddamn I'm so happy. FINALLY A SHOW. FINALLY SOMETHING TO DO.

Vynse & I relaunched our super old blog tonight. clockingts.blogspot.com/ It's basically just a stupid platform for Vynse and I to talk our shit and make fun of all of our friends. I'm only expecting Vynse and I to be the readers of said blog, but it's fun to have a place where we can just spew our shit that no one else understands. I love that Vynse and I can talk so much shit to our friends and they never get mad at us. Sometimes I seriously feel like I'm living in an episode of Golden Girls. I'm Sophia and Vynse is Dorothy and we're surrounded by a bunch of Rose Nylands.

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