Jun 11, 2009 23:03
- 08:03 @ DianeNeal I love how they give contestants nicknames...like Cheap Date from 2 weeks ago. ROFL. #
- 08:46 Everyone's reaction (all for different reasons) to realizing there is a lunch 'n learn today..."Damn it to fuck!" Ugh... #
- 11:52 Rosi said we need to go have a smoke before this Lunch 'n Learn. LMAO. ETA: Also a drink! Here we go... #
- 13:14 That was a pretty entertaining L 'N L. Now on to other projects before my meeting at 3... #
- 14:56 Off to my 3 o'clock...then this day is done! @msg985 & @CaleighBenson Judge Judy is my fave! @msg985 I watch it on NY55 Long Island @ 10pm. #
- 18:58 @ UnNouveauJour You must see @Pink. I'll be @ her show in NY in October. She rocks! #
- 21:44 @ MsBrooks2U Check out my latest LJ entry! #
- 21:44 Going to play with my DVR to get it set for Mariska's biography tomorrow... #
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