So today's show and tell (yes I'm jumping on this bandwagon! thanks to.. is my least favorite piece of furniture. Gosh. It would have to be this:
My bed. I got this bed literally off the side of the road in one of the skeptical matress sales that you always wonder what its about, and why matresses are stacked up just off the highway. Well, we were driving by it, and I needed a bed desperately for my apartment that I was moving into, and I saw a sign for $99. So I thought...what the hell. I went over and checked them out, didn't seem like too big of a scam. So I bought one. It was REFURBISHED...if that tells you anything. And that came with the boxspring too. So at first I was overjoyed with finding a cheap bed, and I didn't have to haul up my "taco" bed as I like to call it from home. It served me well for the time I needed it, but its not the nicest of beds, its not all THAT comfortable, and the matress was rather flimsy so it was a bitch to move. I only had to move it two apartments over for the girl who bought it from me, but still. Cheap bed...but go for the real thing if you can. Your back will thank you.
And now: what the honesty of the Starbucks coffee cup says
The way I see it #89
Recipe for happiness: an insatiable curiosity, a joy of discovery, quick to forgive, hold no grudges, love without condition, stay loyal to the death, see the best and ignore the rest - wow, we can learn a lot from man’s best friend!”
-Nick Bolletieri
I love that!