Dec 07, 2004 10:30
Hey all people!
I'm still 'dissapointed' at whoever put that entry in about me and kelsey but I'm only disapointed at them because they didn't have the courage to put their name!
If you don't like me that's ok- i'm not here for you to like me- i'm here to be me and u can take it or leave it.
My real friends know that and my real friends care about me because I am me and I'm not trying to be someone that I'm not! You don't have to hate me, because u know what? I DON'T EVER REMEMBER DOING ANYTHING TO ANYONE THAT WOULD MAKE THEM HATE ME!! If u don't like me that's ok- if you do then ur definetly my friend. I will accept just about anyone and everyone, but I'm not gonna make them accept me!