Apr 05, 2003 15:00
had a fantastic time last night. we went to della notte, then met linds and nick for a drink and then to see mike doughty at fletchers. this guy is pretty much too good to be true, which is why when he told me that he might be moving to florida for business i was not surprised. that is just my luck. but it's not a sure thing right now and of course i played it cool and was like "well you have to do what's best for you" when inside i'm thinking "nooooooo!!!!"
and i came home to find a note from my mom saying my aunt had died. she has been sick for awhile and really got bad over the past couple days so it was kind of expected, but still really sad nonetheless.
the girls are goin out for a mellow night in frederick tonight which will be good because i don't think i have spent a weekend there in over 2 months!